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Materials for MUSC 689 (Seminar in Advanced Conducting)


Some of my beliefs about conducting.

Thoughts on the physical aspects of conducting.

Thoughts about rehearsing.

Keeping the mind organized while on the podium is a challenge.  Here are affirmations that I've created to help myself stay focused. These are based on Dr. Bob Rotella's advice to golfers.

Conducting accompanied recitative is a cornerstone of good technique.  Here are principles for learning and conducting recitative.

The best knowledge for conductors does NOT come from conducting books.  Here is the (eclectic) reading list for my first-semester seminar.

My notes from Musaishi Myamoto's classic "Book of Five Rings" and how I see it relating to conducting.


This book is very much worth owning for all conductors--the synopsis doesn't do it justice.

Stephen Pressfield's amazing "War of Art" is a great book about life as a creative artist.  


Hopefully this short synopsis will whet your appetite for more, and you'll buy and read the whole book.

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